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SESAM - Centre for Age-Related Medicine

SESAM was established by the Western Norway Regional Health Authority in 2010, to strenghten cooperation, research, networking and teaching in our region within the field of age-related medicine. Age-related medicine includes physical, psychiological and social aspects related to acute illness, in connection to the treatment of chronic conditions, rehabilitation and end-of-life care.

Interaction between the specialist health service and the municipal health service is a prerequisite for the development of good and coherent health services for the elderly. The centre for age-related medicine has interaction as a special area of responsibility. SESAM must also be a competence base for the municipal health service.

SESAM will contribute to strengthening research and professional development within the field of age-related medicine. The centre will work to strengthen the collaboration on research and professional development between the health trusts, the municipalities and other key partners.

The centre is responsible for stimulating and coordinating research and professional development.
SESAM focuses on networking in the region. The goal is to achieve regional anchoring by developing competence and professional development across the health enterprise and level boundaries. SESAM is responsible for establishing and coordinating interdisciplinary regional fora and networks.

SESAM will participate in teaching basic education, further education and continuing education, and provide advice and professional support in order to help spread new knowledge throughout the region.



If you have any questions please contact us by email at:

sesam@sus.no or by phone: +47 51 51 56 19


If you have any questions please contact us by email at: sesam@sus.no or by phone: +47 51 51 56 19
Last updated 1/31/2024