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Norwegian Parkinson's Registry and Biobank

As of September 2024, the Norwegian Parkinson’s Registry and Biobank has registered data on approximately 16500 individuals (with numbers continually rising) diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and atypical neurodegenerative parkinsonism disorders. These cases are drawn from specialized healthcare services across Norway. 

The primary objective of the registry is to ensure the consistent quality of diagnostics, treatment, and patient follow-up. Furthermore, the registry data, in conjunction with the associated biobank material, serves as a foundational resource for cutting-edge research in the coming years. 

The biobank will include a variety of biological samples, including blood, tear fluid, urine, saliva, stool, and cerebrospinal samples. In parallel, the registry data covers clinical variables such as standardized motor measures, cognitive function scales, and an extensive range of patient-reported data, including standardized outcome and experience measures. In total, the Parkinson Registry boasts over 200 variables, enabling the exploration of a diverse array of research questions. 

Last updated 9/18/2024