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Helse Stavanger HF

Research Groups

at Stavanger University Hospital have high professional competence and activity, covering a wide variety of areas within health research

This page is currently being updated, thus information about additional research groups, as well as english versions, are to come in the list below.

        • Anxiety and Mood Disorders

          Please contact Research group leader: Liv Sand
          E-mail: liv.sand@sus.no

        • Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine

          Please contact Research group leader: Knut Øymar
          E-mail: knut.asbjorn.alexander.oymar@sus.no

        • Internal Medicine

          Please contact Research group leader: Inga Strand Thorsen
          E-mail: inga.strand.thorsen@sus.no

        • Women's Diseases and Obstetrics

          Please contact Research group leader: Ragnar Kvie Sande
          E-mail: ragnar.sande@sus.no

        • Eye Diseases and Disorders

          Please contact Research group leader: Vegard Asgeir Forsaa
          E-mail: vegard.asgeir.forsaa@sus.no​​​​​

        Research biobanks

        Dine rettigheter og forskernes forpliktelser knyttet til forskningsbiobanker.
        Find out more
        A blue box with a blue lid and a blue box with a white background
        Last updated 3/11/2024