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Stavanger University Hospital is located in Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8, roughly 2 km south of Stavanger city centre. The campus is adjacent to the E39, and is clearly signposted from the motorway. For the addresses of other units outside the main Hospital Campus, please follow the links provided.

​Map that shows Stavanger University Hospital, Våland.


Map symbols

Pay parking is available in the underground garage beneath St. Svithun Hotel, marked in blue. Entry/Exit at A.

Handicap parking is marked in red.

Short-term pay parking is marked in blue.

Employee parking is marked in grey.

Electric vehicle parking is marked in yellow.

All entrances are marked with a red circle.

​(1) Main entrance ​(2) Entrance 2​(3) Entrance 3
​(4) The Emergency Ward(5) Entrance 5​(6) Entrance 6
​(8) Entrance 8​(9) Entrance 9(A) Parking
​(B) Departement of Psychiatry - main entrance​(C) Internat ​(D) Hjertelaget
(E) Departement of Psychiatry(F) Heating plant (varmesentral) (G) Ambulance central
​(H) Learning and Activity Center (LMS) ​(I) Administration​(J) Emergency room (legevakt)
​(K) The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation​(L) Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUPA)(M) Research departement



Last updated 9/27/2016