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RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Stavanger University Hospital

Contracts and Agreements

The research department reviews agreements for research projects and can provide advice and guidance.

For review of contracts and agreements, please email: forskning@sus.no

Please mark the email with the type of contract/agreement and the project’s acronym. 

In the following, more information about various contacts and agreements is given. 

Sponsor contract - Industry studies

Studies conducted in collaboration with the industry are handled internally. The Research Department ensures: 

  • Contract review by a legal expert 
  • Budgeting and contract negotiation with the industry 
  • Contract signing 
  • Financial management 

Data Controller, Data Processor and Data Processing Agreement 

The Data Controller determines the purpose of processing health data and the tools to be used. A Data Processor is an external party processing personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, and this should be regulated in writing in an agreement. 

Relevant SOP: Conclusion of data processing agreement (only in Norwegian), EQS (ihelse.net)

Cooperation agreements 

Collaborative projects should, as a general rule, be based on agreements between participating institutions. In projects where two or more partner institutions jointly apply for external funding and share responsibility for content, implementation, and results, the collaboration should be regulated in a separate agreement. In such cases, it is also important that, at the application stage, the budget and project description specify: 

  • Who the partner institutions are 
  • What each partner will contribute in terms of resources and infrastructure 
  • How the funds are planned to be distributed among the partner institutions. In other words, specify the costs that each partner will incur in connection with the project that the external grant is expected to cover. 

Relevant template: Template for a general collaboration agreement between Helse Stavanger HF and another research institution, EQS (ihelse.net)

Agreement on disclosure of data and/or biological material 

There are procedures and rules for the release of data and/or biological material; read more in our SOP's in EQS. If the release of data and/or biological material is not specified in a collaboration agreement or contract, the templates developed by SUS can be used. 

Relevant templates:

Routines an internal control

See our internal procedures and guidelines in the EQS:


EQS is a document management system in Helse Stavanger HF and is only available via intranet.

Research support

The Research Department provides advisory services and support to research activites at Stavanger University Hospital, aiming to facilitate and strengthen clinical research efforts.
Find out more
En forsker står i hvit frakk.
Last updated 3/11/2024